My Stories Of Life

Sixteen Tons Of Stories That Touch Your Heart

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Why Did They Come To America?

I live in the little town of Cold Spring, Minnesota. Earlier this year I had the chance to interview Herbert ( HERBIE) Theis, a Cold Spring historian, who told me about how and why his family came to America in 1855. Herb was still living on the original homestead without any form of running water, indoor plumbing or indoor bathroom facilities. Herbie is a brilliant man with a real sense of life's purpose. It's a wonderful story. (LOOK FOR PART II TOMORROW)


  • At 7:30 AM, Blogger Scott W. said…

    Great editing.

    Great story.

    Herbie doesn't look 80; more like 70.

    It's sad that when he goes, all that history/knowledge goes with him.

    Loved it!

  • At 10:45 PM, Blogger Jack said…

    Nice work Duane! This is good stuff. Thanks to you not all of Herbie's stories will be lost. I'm inspired now; I have a lot of stuff about the fiestas and traditions here in Mexico where I live and I'm going to have to get off my butt and put together some films. Thanks!


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