My Stories Of Life

Sixteen Tons Of Stories That Touch Your Heart

Friday, June 17, 2005

PERCEPTION... "in the mind of the beholder"

Have you ever thought about how with some people no matter what you do, if your say "White", they say "Black". Here is a fun personal discovery video that helps you explore some of your perceptive differences. You'll need a pencil and paper to do this short practice. There is no right or wrong answer... only the fun of personal discovery. It takes just 5 minutes and it's one of those things you'll be talking to everyone about.


  • At 9:57 AM, Blogger Scott W. said…

    I think I've seem most of those before. Who in the world has the mind to create such a thing? I sure don't!

    My vertigo did NOT like the one with the horizontal lines; I had to look away!

    What a great idea for a video. Thanks!

  • At 6:28 AM, Blogger Devin said…

    In the Native American/Eskimo picture I see another image.

    The 'Inuit's' hand looks to me like a man's head, and the man is peering over a ledge. What do you think?

  • At 1:39 PM, Blogger Duane Kuss said…

    Yes, I do see the man looking over the edge. Fantastic observation! Isn't perception amazing. I never... ever would have noticed that.

    Thank You!



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